
Checklist of Birds

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Total Species in the World (Malaysia): 11,017 (864 +/-)

Total Families in the World (Malaysia): 251 (85)

Anatidae / Waterfowl / 鸭科 / ガンカモ科

Total in the world: 53 Genera / 174 Species (Malaysia: 13 Species) 

Wandering Whistling-Duck / Dendrocygna arcuata / 斑胸樹鴨 / オオリュウキュウガモ

Lesser Whistling-Duck / Dendrocygna javanica / 栗樹鴨 / リュウキュウガモ

Knob-billed Duck / Sarkidiornis melanotos /

Cotton Pygmy-Goose / Nettapus coromandelianus / 棉鳧 / ナンキンオシ

Garganey / Spatula querquedula / 白眉鴨 / シマアジ

Northern Shoveler / Spatula clypeata / 琵嘴鴨 / ハシビロガモ

Eurasian Wigeon / Mareca penelope / 赤頸鴨 / ヒドリガモ

Eastern Spot-billed Duck / Anas zonorhyncha /

Mallard / Anas platyrhynchos /

Northern Pintail / Anas acuta / 針尾鴨 / オナガガモ

Green-winged Teal / Anas crecca / 綠翅鴨 / コガモ

Sunda Teal / Anas gibberifrons /

Tufted Duck / Aythya fuligula / 鳳頭潛鴨 / キンクロハジロ

Megapodiidae / Megapodes / 冢雉科 / つかつくり

Total in the world: 7 Genera / 21 Species (Malaysia: 1 Species) 

Philippine Megapode / Megapodius cumingii / 菲律宾冢雉 / パラワンツカツクリ

Phasianidae / Pheasants, Grouse, Quail, and Allies / 雉科 / キジ科

Total in the world: 54 Genera / 186 Species (Malaysia: 23 Species) 

Helmeted Guineafowl / Numida meleagris /

Ferruginous Partridge / Caloperdix oculeus /

Crested Partridge / Rollulus rouloul /

Black Partridge / Melanoperdix niger /

Red-breasted Partridge / Arborophila hyperythra /

Malayan Partridge / Arborophila campbelli /

Long-billed Partridge / Rhizothera longirostris /

Bulwer's Pheasant / Lophura bulweri /

Malayan Crestless Fireback / Lophura erythrophthalma /

Malayan Crested Fireback / Lophura rufa /

Bornean Crested Fireback / Lophura ignita /

Malayan Crested Argus / Rheinardia nigrescens /

Great Argus / Argusianus argus / 

Indian Peafowl / Pavo cristatus /

Green Peafowl / Pavo muticus /

Chestnut-necklaced Partridge / Tropicoperdix charltonii /

Sabah Partridge / Tropicoperdix graydoni /

Crimson-headed Partridge / Haematortyx sanguiniceps /

Bornean Peacock-Pheasant / Polyplectron schleiermacheri /

Malayan Peacock-Pheasant / Polyplectron malacense /

Mountain Peacock-Pheasant / Polyplectron inopinatum /

Red Junglefowl / Gallus gallus /

Blue-breasted Quail / Synoicus chinensis /

Podicipedidae / Grebes / 鷿鷈 / カイツブリ科

Total in the world: 6 Genera / 22 Species (Malaysia: 1 Species) 

Little Grebe / Tachybaptus ruficollis poggei /

Columbidae / Pigeons & Doves / 鸠鸽科 / ハト科

Total in the world: 51 Genera / 353 Species (Malaysia: 25 Species) 

Rock Pigeon / Columba livia / 原鸽 / カワラバト

Metallic Pigeon / Columba vitiensis / 白喉林鴿 / アカメカラスバト

African Collared-Dove / Streptopelia roseogrisea / 粉頭斑鳩 / バライロシラコバト

Red Collared-Dove / Streptopelia tranquebarica / 火斑鸠 / ベニバト

Spotted Dove / Spilopelia chinensis /  珠颈斑鸠 / カノコバト

Barred Cuckoo-Dove / Macropygia unchall / 斑尾鹃鸠 / ヨコジマオナガバト

Philippine Cuckoo-Dove / Macropygia tenuirostris / 

Little Cuckoo-Dove / Macropygia ruficeps / 小鹃鸠 / ヒメオナガバト

Asian Emerald Dove / Chalcophaps indica / 绿翅金鸠 / キンバト

Diamond Dove / Geopelia cuneata 

Zebra Dove / Geopelia striata / 斑姬地鸠 / チョウショウバト

Nicobar Pigeon / Caloenas nicobarica / 尼柯巴鸠 / ミノバト

Little Green-Pigeon / Treron olax / 小绿鸠 / チビアオバト

Pink-necked Green-Pigeon / Treron vernans / 红颈绿鸠 / コアオバト

Cinnamon-headed Green-Pigeon / Treron fulvicollis / 棕头绿鸠 / ニッケイアオバト

Orange-breasted Green-Pigeon / Treron bicinctus / 橙胸绿鸠 / ムネアカアオバト

Thick-billed Green-Pigeon / Treron curvirostra / 厚嘴绿鸠 / ハシブトアオバト

Large Green-Pigeon / Treron capellei / 大绿鸠 / オオアオバト

Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon / Treron seimundi / 白腹针尾绿鸠 / シロハラハリオアオバト

Wedge-tailed Green-Pigeon / Treron sphenurus / 楔尾绿鸠 / オナガアオバト

Jambu Fruit-Dove / Ptilinopus jambu / 粉头果鸠 / ボタンバト

Green Imperial-Pigeon / Ducula aenea / 绿皇鸠 / ミカドバト

Gray Imperial-Pigeon / Ducula pickeringii / 

Mountain Imperial-Pigeon / Ducula badia / 皇鸠 / ヤマミカドバト

Pied Imperial-Pigeon / Ducula bicolor / 斑皇鸠 / ソデグロバト

Cuculidae / Cuckoos / 杜鹃科 / ホトトギス科

Total in the world: 33 Genera / 147 Species (Malaysia: 30 Species) 

Bornean Ground-Cuckoo Carpococcyx radiceus

Short-toed Coucal Centropus rectunguis

Greater Coucal Centropus sinensis

Lesser Coucal Centropus bengalensis

Greater/Lesser Coucal Centropus sinensis/bengalensis

Raffles's Malkoha Rhinortha chlorophaea

Red-billed Malkoha Zanclostomus javanicus

Chestnut-breasted Malkoha Phaenicophaeus curvirostris

Chestnut-bellied Malkoha Phaenicophaeus sumatranus

Black-bellied Malkoha Phaenicophaeus diardi

Green-billed Malkoha Phaenicophaeus tristis

Chestnut-winged Cuckoo Clamator coromandus

Asian Koel Eudynamys scolopaceus

Asian Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx maculatus

Violet Cuckoo Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus

Little Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx minutillus

Banded Bay Cuckoo Cacomantis sonneratii

Plaintive Cuckoo Cacomantis merulinus

Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus

Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo Surniculus lugubris

Fork-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo Surniculus dicruroides

Moustached Hawk-Cuckoo Hierococcyx vagans

Large Hawk-Cuckoo Hierococcyx sparverioides

Dark Hawk-Cuckoo Hierococcyx bocki

Hodgson's Hawk-Cuckoo Hierococcyx nisicolor

Malaysian Hawk-Cuckoo Hierococcyx fugax

Indian Cuckoo Cuculus micropterus

Himalayan Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus

Sunda Cuckoo Cuculus lepidus

Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus optatus

Podargidae / Frogmouths / 蟆口鸱科 / ガマグチヨタカ科

Total in the world: 3 Genera / 16 Species (Malaysia: 6 Species) 

Large Frogmouth Batrachostomus auritus

Dulit Frogmouth Batrachostomus harterti

Gould's Frogmouth Batrachostomus stellatus

Bornean Frogmouth Batrachostomus mixtus

Blyth's Frogmouth Batrachostomus affinis

Sunda Frogmouth Batrachostomus cornutus

Caprimulgidae / Nightjars and Allies / 夜鹰科 / ヨタカ科

Total in the world: 20 Genera / 97 Species (Malaysia: 7 Species) 

Malaysian Eared-Nightjar Lyncornis temminckii

Great Eared-Nightjar Lyncornis macrotis

Gray Nightjar Caprimulgus jotaka

Large-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus macrurus

Savanna Nightjar Caprimulgus affinis

Bonaparte's Nightjar Caprimulgus concretus

Long-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus climacurus

Apodidae / Swifts / 雨燕科 / アマツバメ科

Total in the world: 19 Genera / 112 Species (Malaysia: 16 Species) 

Silver-rumped Spinetail Rhaphidura leucopygialis

White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus

Silver-backed Needletail Hirundapus cochinchinensis

Brown-backed Needletail Hirundapus giganteus

Waterfall Swift Hydrochous gigas

Bornean Swiftlet Collocalia dodgei

Plume-toed Swiftlet Collocalia affinis

Himalayan Swiftlet Aerodramus brevirostris

Mossy-nest Swiftlet Aerodramus salangana

Black-nest Swiftlet Aerodramus maximus

White-nest Swiftlet Aerodramus fuciphagus

Germain's Swiftlet Aerodramus germani

Pacific Swift Apus pacificus

Cook's Swift Apus cooki

House Swift Apus nipalensis

Asian Palm Swift Cypsiurus balasiensis

Hemiprocnidae / Treeswifts / 雨燕科 / アマツバメ科

Total in the world: 1 Genera / 4 Species (Malaysia: 2 Species) 

Gray-rumped Treeswift Hemiprocne longipennis

Whiskered Treeswift Hemiprocne comata

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Licensed Tourist Guide specialized in birdwatching and photography tour in Peninsular Malaysia. BSc Forestry (Parks & Recreation Management).

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Birds of Peninsular Malaysia

Birds of Peninsular Malaysia
Birds of Peninsular Malaysia

Wildlife in Peninsular Malaysia

Wildlife in Peninsular Malaysia
A collection of wildlife photographs in Peninsular Malaysia that includes mammals, reptiles and amphibians. Some photographs are taken with camera while some are taken with mobile phone whenever I get the opportunities to shoot while on a guiding assignment.


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Sometimes I accompany my regular guests for birding trips out of Peninsular Malaysia. Check out what we found.
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About Me

Hi! I love watching birds, taking photographs (and video), and guiding people through nature. Welcome to my blog, A Malaysian Birder. I'll be sharing all the great birds I see and the photos I take right here on this blog. I got into bird watching when I was in university studying parks and recreation management. I used to work in parks and gardens, teaching people about the environment and organizing birding walks. Whenever I go out to look for birds, I always bring my binoculars and spotting scope to help me see them up close. Sometimes, I even bring a microphone to record their calls. It's always an adventure out in the field!

In the past, I will have my Kowa BDXD 8x32 binocular, Zoom H2N recorder, Kowa TSN-501 and my favorite Nikon1 V1 with a 70-300mm lens. This is the lightest setup I have tried and owned. From then onwards, I have used Omicron 8x26 binocular (and i bought 4 units), Leica Ultravid 8x32 binocular, Kowa Spotting Scope TSN773 with 20-60x eyepiece, Panasonic Lumix G7, Panasonic Lumix G9 with a 100-300mm lens and currently experimenting with Sony ILCE-A6700 and Sony SEL 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS lens.

Bird Watching Tours

There are quite a number of birding groups from Australia, United States and United Kingdom that come over to Malaysia annually visiting the traditional key sites that include Kuala Selangor, Fraser's Hill and Taman Negara. There is not doubt that the 3 sites are the preferred birding sites in Peninsular Malaysia. So if you are coming over for birding and intend to hire a guide, you can send me an email at and go over to posting section to view photos and summary of trip reports with testimonials from past clients.

Besides following the traditional route, I also customized trip according to clients needs, preference and interests. So there are some local patches that I can introduce to all bird watchers, digiscopers and photographers.

Here are a few of my favorite birding spots around Kuala Lumpur.

• Kuala Selangor - the habitats include mangrove forest. Good for woodpecker and kingfisher. Some amount of walking is required on flat terrain.

• Fraser's Hill - one of the traditional key sites for birding in Peninsular Malaysia and still the best place to visit. Elevation between 900 - 1200m above sea level. The species found here are different from the city of Kuala Lumpur. Targets may include Trogon, Woodpecker, Partridge, Laughingthrush, Leafbird, Spiderhunter and Sunbird.

• Hulu Langat - one of the most visited birding spot due to its proximity from the city centre. Walking is required but on easy terrain in this lowland forest. Sometimes need to wait at fruiting trees. Generally a good spot for Broadbill, Kingfisher, and Babbler.

• Bukit Tinggi - An alternative spot if you do not want to spend too long hours travelling to Fraser's Hill. It's about 900m to 1,000m above sea level and you get a combination of lowland and highland species at this elevation. Walking is required but just a short distance. Traditional known for Broadbill, Hornbill, Partridge and Pheasant.

• Gombak-Ampang - Generally recommended for photographers targeting Blue-eared Kingfisher and at times during fruiting season, it attracts many species of Bulbul and Barbet. Located in urban area.

Putrajaya - If you are staying in any hotel in Putrajaya, it's a good place to look for herons, egrets, bittern and storks.

Bird Families

Check the bird families and the taxonomy updates HERE.

My Artwork Products

Bird Video

I am also interested to take video of birds. Here are some of my favorite videos for your viewing. Video taken with Nikon1 V1 attached to a Sigma 500mm f4.5 and most of the time iPhone SE through the spotting scope. Editing is done on smartphone Power Director for Android device and I also like the iMovie on iPhone. Enjoy.

Recommended Field Guides & Books

If you are interested to get a copy of field guides to assist you to learn and identify birds in Malaysia. Click the followings to find out more.

March 2024. Fortunate enough to meet 1 of the authors before it was launched in Kuala Lumpur. Another great field guide for all birders who want to get the most updated information about birds of Malaysia.