
Beppe & Mary - 16-20 Aug 2024

Friday, October 25, 2024

"Thanks for all, first of all for your professionalism. We are so satisfied." - Beppe & Mary, Italy

It was an absolute delight to guide a charming couple all the way from Italy on an unforgettable birdwatching adventure! Our journey took us to Kuala Selangor, Frasers Hill, and Hulu Langat, where we had the most incredible time capturing stunning photos of a wide variety of bird species.

Our adventure kicked off in an urban park in Kuala Lumpur, where we were greeted by Painted Stork, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Purple Heron, Grey Heron, Black-crowned Night Heron, Golden-bellied Gerygone, and more. As we ventured towards the coastal area, we were thrilled to snap photos of the Yellow-bellied Prinia, Ashy Tailorbird, Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker, Laced Woodpecker, Common Flameback, White-throated Kingfisher, Collared Kingfisher, and other magnificent species. A stop before Kuala Selangor treated us to a breathtaking view of the Little Bronze Cuckoo, which we eagerly captured on camera. After a quick break at our hotel, we continued our birdwatching journey and were lucky enough to spot the Stork-billed Kingfisher, Asian Openbill, White-throated Kingfisher, Blue-tailed Bee-eater, and Black-winged Kite. 

The following day, we encountered even more fascinating species like the Greater Flameback, Laced Woodpecker, Black-naped Oriole, Rufous Woodpecker, Crested Serpent Eagle, and others before heading to Frasers Hill. Along the way, we marveled at the Yellow-bellied Warbler, White-bellied Erpornis, and Orange-breasted Trogon. Our patience paid off when we finally laid eyes on the elusive Malaysian Partridge, as well as the Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush and Oriental Magpie Robin.

The next morning, our quest for the elusive Red-headed Trogon was met with a challenge - the thick morning mist limited our success. It wasn't until the late afternoon that we finally caught a glimpse of the trogon, although it was quite shy. Nevertheless, we had an amazing day of birding, spotting key species like the Silver-eared Mesia, Malayan Laughingthrush, Rufous-browed Flycatcher, Pygmy Cupwing, Large Niltava, and many more. 

On Day 4, we made another valiant effort to find the Red-headed Trogon, but once again, the mist made it tricky. Just as we were about to give up, I decided to take a longer walk away from our usual spot and was rewarded with a sighting of a female trogon. After some time observing her, we were thrilled to spot a male trogon near our car. Mission accomplished! We left Frasers Hill after lunch, adding the Black-and-yellow Broadbill to our list on the way to Kuala Lumpur. 

For our final day of the trip, we ventured to Hulu Langat in search of the Blue-banded Kingfisher. We managed to snap some great photographs, although the Rufous-backed Dwarf Kingfisher was a bit more elusive, only seen flying around. After a satisfying lunch, I bid farewell to Beppe and Mary as I dropped them off at the airport. What an incredible adventure it has been!


As I continue to immerse myself in the world of birds and nature, I am constantly inspired by the beauty and diversity of the natural world. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my work with others and to educate and inspire through my images. Your support and patience are truly appreciated as I strive to showcase the wonders of wildlife in the most authentic and impactful way possible. Together, we can raise awareness and appreciation for the importance of conservation and preservation of our planet's precious ecosystems. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

*UPDATE: After a series of consultations, the issue affecting my mobility has been identified. As a result, I will need to attend therapy. My travel plans must be tailored to minimize the amount of time spent walking, trekking on uneven terrain, and to avoid prolonged periods of standing or sitting.*


Highlights (with photographs) for the trip:

Little Cuckoo-Dove / Tortora Cuculo Minore 
Buff-breasted Babbler / Garrulo di Tickell 
Mountain Fulvetta / Fulvetta di montagna 
Silver-eared Mesia / Mesia guanceargento 
Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush / Garrulo sghignazzante capocastano 
Rufous-browed Flycatcher / Pigliamosche cigliarossicce 
Malayan Laughingthrush / Garrulo sghignazzante malese (Garrulo sghignazzante caponocciola) 
Mountain Imperial Pigeon / Piccione imperiale montano 
Pygmy Cupwing / Garrulo scricciolo pigmeo 
Large Niltava / Niltava maggiore 
Bushy-crested Hornbill / Bucero cespuglioso 
Sultan Tit / Cincia sultana 
Banded Broadbill  / Beccolargo fasciato 
Buff-rumped Woodpecker / Picchio groppacamoscio 
Red-throated Barbet / Barbetto golarossa 
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch  / Picchio muratore vellutato 
Golden Babbler / Garrulo dorato 
Black-browed Barbet / Barbetto ciglianere 
Red-headed Trogon / Trogone testarossa 
Stripe-throated Bulbul / Bulbul golastriata 
Fire-tufted Barbet / Barbetto ciuffoflammeo 
Orange-backed Woodpecker / Picchio dorsoarancio 
Rufous-browed Flycatcher / Pigliamosche cigliarossicce 
Red-billed Malkoha / Malcoa beccorosso 
Oriental Magpie Robin  / Pettirosso gazza orientale 
Black-and-yellow Broadbill / Beccolargo giallonero 
Black-headed Bulbul / Bulbul testanera 
Lineated Barbet / Barbetto lineato 
Banded Woodpecker / Picchio fasciato 
Black-thighed Falconet / Falchetto zampenere 
Rufous Woodpecker / Picchio rossiccio 
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker  / Beccafiore dorsoscarlatto 
Common Flameback / Dorso di fiamma comune 
Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker / Picchio della Sonda 
Laced Woodpecker / Picchio striolato 
Common Flameback / Dorso di fiamma comune 
Asian Koel / Koel comune 
House Crow / Cornacchia delle case 
Collared Kingfisher / Martin pescatore dal collare 
Yellow-bellied Prinia / Prinia panciagialla 
Little Bronze Cuckoo / Cuculo bronzato minore 
Coppersmith Barbet / Barbetto ramatore 
Common Iora / Iora comune 
Pied Triller / Trillatore bianconero 
Ashy Tailorbird / Uccello sarto cenerino 
White-throated Kingfisher / Martin pescatore di Smirne 
Stork-billed Kingfisher / Martin pescatore becco di cicogna 
Asian Openbill / Anastomo asiatico 
Javan Myna / Maina di Giava 
Black-winged Kite / Nibbio bianco 
Dusky Eagle-Owl / Gufo reale fosco 
Zebra Dove / Tortora zebrata 
Purple Heron / Airone rosso 
Blue-tailed Bee-eater / Gruccione codazzurra 
Greater Flameback / ??? 
Common Flameback / Dorso di fiamma comune R
ufous Woodpecker / Picchio rossiccio 
Collared Kingfisher / Martin pescatore dal collare 
Oriental Magpie Robin / Pettirosso gazza orientale 
Black-naped Oriole / Oriolo nucanera 
White-throated Kingfisher / Martin pescatore di Smirne 
Pink-necked Green Pigeon / Piccione verde collorosa 
Mangrove Blue Flycatcher / Pigliamosche blu delle mangrovie 
Ashy Tailorbird / Uccello sarto cenerino 
Yellow-vented Bulbul / Bulbul culgiallo 
Olive-winged Bulbul / Bulbul alioliva 
Golden-bellied Gerygone / Gerigone panciadorata 
Javan Myna / Maina di Giava 
Crested Serpent Eagle / Serpentino crestato 
Pacific Swallow / Rondine del Pacifico 
Whiskered Treeswift / Rondone boschereccio baffuto 
Orange-breasted Trogon / Trogone pettoarancio 
White-bellied Erpornis / Yuhina panciabianca 
Yellow-bellied Warbler / Luì panciagialla 
Cinereous Bulbul / 
Malaysian Partridge / Pernice di Campbell 
Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush / Garrulo sghignazzante capocastano Streaked Spiderhunter / Cacciaragni striato 
Black-throated Sunbird / Nettarinia golanera 
Fire-breasted Flowerpecker / Beccafiore pettoigneo 
Orange-bellied Leafbird / Fogliarolo panciarancio 
Black-browed Barbet / Barbetto ciglianere 
Little Pied Flycatcher / Pigliamosche bianconero 
Brown Boobook  / Civetta sparviero bruna 
Blyth's Frogmouth / Bocca di rana di Blyth 
Blue-banded Kingfisher  / Martin pescatore bandazzurra 
Orange-backed Woodpecker / Picchio dorsoarancio 
Black-thighed Falconet / Falchetto zampenere 
Crimson-winged Woodpecker / Picchio alicremisi 
Rufous-collared Kingfisher / Martin pescatore collorosiccio 
Black-and-red Broadbill / Beccolargo rossonero 

Javan Myna / Maina di Giava 
Asian Glossy Starling / Storno splendente asiatico 
Yellow-vented Bulbul / Bulbul culgiallo 
Zebra Dove / Tortora zebrata
Speckled Piculet / Picchiolo marezzato 
Red-headed Trogon / Trogone testarossa 
Orange-bellied Leafbird / Fogliarolo panciarancio 
Mountain Bulbul / Bulbul montano 
Black-crested Bulbul / Bulbul ??? 
Painted Stork / Cicogna pittata 
Black-crowned Night Heron / Nitticora 
Little Egret / Garzetta 
Cattle Egret / Airone guardabuoi orientale 
Grey Heron / Airone cenerino 
Brown-throated Sunbird / Nettarinia golauniforme 
Golden-bellied Gerygone / Gerigone panciadorata 
Common Myna / Maina comune 
White-breasted Woodswallow / Rondine boschereccia pettobianco 
Spotted Dove / Tortora macchiata 
Feral Pigeon / Piccione selvatico 
Pacific Swallow / Rondine del Pacifico 
Red-wattled Lapwing / Pavoncella indiana 
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / Passera mattugia 
Asian Glossy Starling / Storno splendente asiatico 
Paddyfield Pipit / Pispola orientale 
Lineated Barbet / Barbetto lineato 
Swinhoe’s White-eye / ???
Collared Kingfisher / Martin pescatore dal collare 
Asian Glossy Starling / Storno splendente asiatico 
Swinhoe’s White-eye / ??? 
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / Passera mattugia 
Brown-throated Sunbird / Nettarinia golauniforme 
Blue-winged Leafbird / ??? 
Mountain Bulbul / Bulbul montano 
Malaysian Pied Fantail / Codaventaglio bianconero
Large-tailed Nightjar  / Succiacapre codalarga 
Rufous-backed Dwarf Kingfisher / Martin pescatore dorsorossiccio Zebra Dove / Tortora zebrata 
Blue-tailed Bee-eater / Gruccione codazzurra 
Pacific Swallow / Rondine del Pacifico 
Grey-headed Fish Eagle / Aquila pescatrice testagrigia

Explore Malaysia

Licensed Tourist Guide specialized in birdwatching and photography tour in Peninsular Malaysia. BSc Forestry (Parks & Recreation Management).

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Birds of Peninsular Malaysia
Birds of Peninsular Malaysia

Wildlife in Peninsular Malaysia

Wildlife in Peninsular Malaysia
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Sometimes I accompany my regular guests for birding trips out of Peninsular Malaysia. Check out what we found.
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About Me

Hi! I love watching birds, taking photographs (and video), and guiding people through nature. Welcome to my blog, A Malaysian Birder. I'll be sharing all the great birds I see and the photos I take right here on this blog. I got into bird watching when I was in university studying parks and recreation management. I used to work in parks and gardens, teaching people about the environment and organizing birding walks. Whenever I go out to look for birds, I always bring my binoculars and spotting scope to help me see them up close. Sometimes, I even bring a microphone to record their calls. It's always an adventure out in the field!

In the past, I will have my Kowa BDXD 8x32 binocular, Zoom H2N recorder, Kowa TSN-501 and my favorite Nikon1 V1 with a 70-300mm lens. This is the lightest setup I have tried and owned. From then onwards, I have used Omicron 8x26 binocular (and i bought 4 units), Leica Ultravid 8x32 binocular, Kowa Spotting Scope TSN773 with 20-60x eyepiece, Panasonic Lumix G7, Panasonic Lumix G9 with a 100-300mm lens and currently experimenting with Sony ILCE-A6700 and Sony SEL 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS lens.

Bird Watching Tours

There are quite a number of birding groups from Australia, United States and United Kingdom that come over to Malaysia annually visiting the traditional key sites that include Kuala Selangor, Fraser's Hill and Taman Negara. There is not doubt that the 3 sites are the preferred birding sites in Peninsular Malaysia. So if you are coming over for birding and intend to hire a guide, you can send me an email at and go over to posting section to view photos and summary of trip reports with testimonials from past clients.

Besides following the traditional route, I also customized trip according to clients needs, preference and interests. So there are some local patches that I can introduce to all bird watchers, digiscopers and photographers.

Here are a few of my favorite birding spots around Kuala Lumpur.

• Kuala Selangor - the habitats include mangrove forest. Good for woodpecker and kingfisher. Some amount of walking is required on flat terrain.

• Fraser's Hill - one of the traditional key sites for birding in Peninsular Malaysia and still the best place to visit. Elevation between 900 - 1200m above sea level. The species found here are different from the city of Kuala Lumpur. Targets may include Trogon, Woodpecker, Partridge, Laughingthrush, Leafbird, Spiderhunter and Sunbird.

• Hulu Langat - one of the most visited birding spot due to its proximity from the city centre. Walking is required but on easy terrain in this lowland forest. Sometimes need to wait at fruiting trees. Generally a good spot for Broadbill, Kingfisher, and Babbler.

• Bukit Tinggi - An alternative spot if you do not want to spend too long hours travelling to Fraser's Hill. It's about 900m to 1,000m above sea level and you get a combination of lowland and highland species at this elevation. Walking is required but just a short distance. Traditional known for Broadbill, Hornbill, Partridge and Pheasant.

• Gombak-Ampang - Generally recommended for photographers targeting Blue-eared Kingfisher and at times during fruiting season, it attracts many species of Bulbul and Barbet. Located in urban area.

Putrajaya - If you are staying in any hotel in Putrajaya, it's a good place to look for herons, egrets, bittern and storks.

Bird Families

Check the bird families and the taxonomy updates HERE.

My Artwork Products

Bird Video

I am also interested to take video of birds. Here are some of my favorite videos for your viewing. Video taken with Nikon1 V1 attached to a Sigma 500mm f4.5 and most of the time iPhone SE through the spotting scope. Editing is done on smartphone Power Director for Android device and I also like the iMovie on iPhone. Enjoy.

Recommended Field Guides & Books

If you are interested to get a copy of field guides to assist you to learn and identify birds in Malaysia. Click the followings to find out more.

March 2024. Fortunate enough to meet 1 of the authors before it was launched in Kuala Lumpur. Another great field guide for all birders who want to get the most updated information about birds of Malaysia.